A-Z of Digital Acceleration


Build a critical mass service catalog in 2 weeks

Posted: 02/03/2022 by

In this short video we look at how our unique ready-made Accelerated Service Catalog with more than 100 services can help drive self-service within 2-3 weeks, helping you to boost your efforts in delivering a critical mass service catalog quickly.

If you have ever tried to build a service catalog, then idea of snakes and ladders will resonate with you. For every few forward steps that you take, you also go back a few. This is because self-service is a complex evolving capability that needs to reflect the needs of your customers and therefore it has many touch points right across the organisation.

Self-service adoption remains low with many organisations failing to engage the user communities with the right contact strategy. The contact channels remain manual, human-dependent, and error-prone due to lack of automation. According to Gartner only 16% of contacts are automated using self-service, while the remaining 84% are handled by agents.

And there are reasons for this. The process to identify customer relevant services, how they are fulfilled, how you present them, the channels, approval processes, integrations, and automation; they all add layers of complexity that for most organisations seriously limits customer experience and adoption which results in higher support costs using old fashioned manual support channels.


Accelerated Service Catalog

Over the years, Fusion has worked with hundreds of customers, right across vertical sectors, building self-service catalog from scratch for each one in turn. What is interesting is that despite each of you thinking you are different with specific needs, using our unique AI platform, we have identified a vast array of common services across different businesses operating across different sector and regions, which we have collated in one catalog called the Accelerated Service Catalog.

While the Accelerated Service Catalog can be delivered fully within 2-3 weeks, it is the cornerstone of Fusion’s wider Omni-Channel adoption strategy. This includes a maturity roadmap covering Service Catalog, Virtual Agent adoption, Knowledge Centred Service, and of course Fulfilment Automation, helping you to formulate an adoption and continuous optimisation plan supporting your business priorities.

Fusion’s Accelerated Service Catalog is backed by automation bots to help drive customer experience and reduce operating costs, lighten service desk workload, and improve productivity and time to market by collapsing the amount of time that it takes to fulfil common high frequency tasks. – Keyvan Shirnia, Head of Managed Services

Through Accelerated Service Catalog we are speeding up self-service adoption and helping you to free up service desk capacity. This in turn helps to drive the shift-left strategy and introduces more agile approach to managing the lifecycle of services IT provides to its customers. This is particularly important given the vast effort put into digital services by businesses all around the world, and now accelerated by the pandemic.